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Ursula Fitimaleafa Te’o Martin, MS

CHL Co-Site PI, Physical Activity Intervention Specialist

Ursula in the village of Fagaitua, one of the CHL intervention communities, during a physical activity session for the children.
Ursula in the village of Fagaitua, one of the CHL intervention communities, during a physical activity session for the children.

Institution:  American Samoa Community College (ASCC)


  • BS: Exercise & Sports Science, 2006, University of South Florida
  • MS: Exercise Science & Health Promotion, 2009, California University of Pennsylvania

What early experiences influenced you to work in childhood obesity prevention?
My fondest childhood memories are running, chasing, climbing, etc. My badges of honor are my scars and bruises from my love of play and sports. Parents and children rarely spend time outdoors to play, participate in physical activities or exercise. Being a part of CHL and modeling this behavior provides me the opportunity to educate and inform children, parents, caregivers, and community leaders of the importance of the 6 CHL target behaviors with a focus on physical activity to prevent Childhood Obesity.

What advice would you give high school or undergraduate students that want to get into your professional field?
Take initiative! Get involved and gain experience. Look for opportunities to volunteer within your school, church and community. During my undergraduate studies, I searched for opportunities to volunteer and took advantage of every opportunity that was presented before me. Seek advice from professionals currently in the field and inquire about the various career paths and opportunities. Be open to explore your given talents and do not limit yourself!

What do you think the Pacific Islanders will gain from the CHL program?
Insight and knowledge that the resolution to overcome and fight obesity begins with the desire to make a change. Individuals and communities coming together with a common goal can make a difference.

What does an average day look like for you?
Pray…to give thanks for another blessed day! On a good day, help my 6yr old son get ready for school, eat breakfast and arrive to school and work on time with very little stress. Review schedule for the day and follow up with exercise program staff members. (I am blessed to have an awesome team!) Follow up on scheduled/up-coming events and activities, emails, vendors for equipment orders, partners and others regarding exercise instruction/sessions. Attend meetings and conference calls. Review programs and research to gather ideas to assist with program design and development. Conduct group exercise sessions/workshops in the community and/or Wellness Center. Instruct ASCC Physical Education Weight Lifting course. WORK OUT! Conduct training with staff. Assist patrons in the Exercise lab with individual exercise prescription programs. Pick up my son, do homework, cook dinner, eat and read to relax and unwind.

What advice would you give caregivers of young children about best lifelong health practices related to CHL-connected efforts?
Actions speak louder than words! Love them… nuture them…and lead by example by showing the children how to live healthier & happier lives by implementing the 6 CHL behaviors into their own lives.

What do you love about where you live (island, state)
American Samoa is my island home. During an early morning run, I love the sounds of the crickets, roosters, birds and crashing waves…and a beautiful Samoan Sunrise to bring in a new day!