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Meet Erik Hill!

Aloha, I am Erik Hill, CHL Hawaii’s Computer Specialist and have an M. Ed. in Educational Technology. 

I grew up mostly in Hawaiʻi, and have lived here for more than 50% of my life.  The “remainder” however was quite varied – I’ve lived in 8 states, studied in Norway, and had a chance to visit China, Mexico, and several European countries, as well as an additional 5 states or so.  I am grateful for the chance to have enjoyed such a variety of experience, but Hawaiʻi has always felt most like home.  As for technology, I’ve been fascinated by technology and the people who create it since childhood, I only had the briefest of uncertainty as to what I was going to do.  The human element of computing had and has a strong draw – the stories of “aha” moments and the variety of solutions that different people came up with to the same set of problems.

I have been with CHL since 2011, and in that time I have had the pleasure of working with a dedicated team, and supporting them with their technology needs.  Specifically, administering servers, assisting with computer issues, and generally connecting us via technology. Computers are a tool, and tools exist to effect change.  My work here has offered me the unique opportunity to effect positive change focused on the area of the world in which I live – the Pacific area – and to join in a group to effect positive change directly and intentionally.

Like my life in general, my tech experience has been varied.  Programming, software building, IT work and system administration have been the main areas of experience, but I’ve touched on embedded systems, GUI, medical technology, and several other areas of tech work.

When computers fail people, people will often blame themselves.  One of my professional goals is to convince computer users that computers are tools, tools are malleable, and a failure of the human-computer interaction is a point of evidence for the need for refinement of the machine.

Fun fact about me – I’ve only ever surfed once in my life, and only attempted to catch one wave.  I caught it and surfed all the way to shore.  Therefore, I’ve caught every wave I’ve ever attempted to surf.