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Children's Healthy Living Center > CHL News > CHL Feature > Meet the CHL FS Extension and Outreach Center Team!

Meet the CHL FS Extension and Outreach Center Team!

The objective of the CHL Food Systems Extension and Outreach (CHL FSEO) Center is to develop and disseminate food system resilience tools through extension, community pilot projects, and programs for the health of young children in the US Affiliated Pacific. The extension team members are: FSEO Lead and Co-PI, Dr. Monica Esquivel; Program Coordinator, Dr. Jessie Kai; and Graduate Assistant, Hannah Isabel Shai.

The CHL FSEO will provide extension program training and technical assistance to pilot project investigators and leaders to improve outcomes of child health, equity, and access to food and nutrition. A key aspect of the CHL FSEO is the pilot projects. CHL FSEO pilot projects will be selected based on their commitment to addressing areas of the food system that impact child health in one of the CHL jurisdictions (Alaska, American Samoa, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, Guam, or Hawaiʻi).

Throughout Spring and Summer 2023, the CHL FSEO requested proposals for the CHL FS Pilot Projects in collaboration with each jurisdiction. As part of the application process, training modules were created and published on the CHL website to assist applicants in completing requirements. These modules can still be accessed as resources for community and extension partners. The projects have been selected and are in the finalization process for implementation in 2024.

Throughout the implementation year of each project, the CHL FSEO will provide support and technical assistance to the pilot projects. Such support includes development of evaluation tools, survey development, report writing, budgetary assistance, outcomes/results dissemination, and community engagement tools. Each project will also participate in a quarterly meeting with the CHL FSEO, where they are able to discuss any challenges and request for additional support. The CHL FSEO expresses their excitement and looks forward to collaborating and working with the projects selected for funding!
For more information, please contact the CHL FSEO at