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Children's Healthy Living Center > About Us > Gift to CHL

Gift to CHL

Aloha and thank you for your interest in CHL!

CHL aims to enhance wellness of children, families and communities in the Pacific, through training, testing of models, and program and policy advocacy.  We aim to build on and support good works to move our Pacific environment to healthier food and physical activity.

Like any grant, our funding is allocated toward specific plans put forth in the proposal.  Great opportunities, ideas and needs crop up related to our work.  Gift funds will allow us to fill gaps, and support related work and needs not directly written into our proposal.

We are pleased to serve as a mechanism to express a Pacific voice for Pacific ways to improve our environment for health.

Click on this secure link to the University of Hawai’i Foundation and make a donation to CHL’s work under the account titled, Pacific Food and Nutrition.


Rachel Novotny, PhD RD
Principal Investigator and Director
Children’s Healthy Living Program for Remote Underserved Minority Populations of the Pacific (CHL)