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Approved Research Topics

Please view all publications from CHL here

TitleType of RequestResearch StatusPublished
Prevalence of Overweight, Obesity, and Acanthosis Nigricans Among American Samoan Children Ages 2 to 18 Years OldDissertationCompleteYes
The Relationship Among Infant Feeding Practice, BMI, and Acanthosis Nigricans Among American Samoan Children Ages 2 to 8 Years Old: Results From the ChildrenÕs Healthy Living ProgramDissertationCompleteYes
Acculturation and Childhood Overweight and Obesity in American Samoa: Results From the ChildrenÕs Healthy Living (CHL) ProgramDissertationCompleteYes
The Relationship Between Protein Intake and Acanthosis Nigricans Among Young Children in the ChildrenÕs Healthy Living Program in the United States Affiliated PacificThesisCompleteYes
Comparing Energy Expenditure Estimates Across 3 Measures of Physical Activity: Accelerometry, Physical Activity Logs, and a Physical Activity QuestionnaireNo
The Association Between Food Security Status and Fruit and Vegetable Consumption in Children in Hawai?iDissertationCompleteYes
What Influences Children's Food Choices?DissertationCompleteNo
Trends in Added Sugar Intake of Children 2-8 in the Pacific Region: A Children's Healthy Living StudyDissertationCompleteNo
Comparing Obesity Rates and Food Security Among Children in Rural Cities in HawaiiDissertationCompleteYes
Prevalence and Predictors of Obesity in Alaska Native ChildrenNot in ProgressNo
The Prevalence of Obesity in Alaska Native Children: Results From the ChildrenÕs Healthy Living Program (Abstract)AbstractCompleteNo
Associations between 24-hr movement behaviours and malnutrition and Acanthosis Nigricans in children aged 2-5y in the Pacific: a compositional analysis
CHL Patterns Grant ProposalGrant
Associations between 24-hour movement behaviors and adiposity
Role of social ecological model level on young Pacific childrenÕs sugar-sweetened beverage and water intakes: ChildrenÕs Healthy Living interventionDissertationCompleteYes
Examination of Healthy Growth Among Children of the US Affiliated Pacific RegionDissertationCompleteYes
The Cost of a Healthy Diet and Prevalence of Overweight and Obesity in the US Affiliated Pacific Region, a ChildrenÕs Healthy Living StudyManuscriptIn ProgressNo
Food and Physical Activity Environment in the US Affiliated Pacific, the ChildrenÕs Healthy Living ProgramManuscriptCompleteYes
Determination of Child Waist Circumference Cut Points for Metabolic Risk Based on Acanthosis Nigricans, the ChildrenÕs Healthy Living ProgramManuscriptCompleteYes
Exploration of Healthy Growth among Children of the U.S. Affiliated Pacific RegionDissertationCompleteYes
Food Insecurity and the Food Environment in the US Affiliated Pacific RegionManuscriptIn ProgressNo
Effect of the Children's Healthy Living Program on Diet Quality among Young Children in the Pacific Region: A Randomized Clinical TrialManuscriptIn ProgressNo
HEI Child CutpointsManuscriptIn ProgressNo
Exploring Household Size and Child Development in the Pacific RegionManuscriptIn ProgressNo
Examining Diet Quality Among the 11 Jurisdictions Participating in the ChildrenÕs Healthy Living Program for Remote Underserved Minority Populations in the Pacific RegionManuscript CompleteYes
Exploring Foods of the Pacific (EFP): The ChildrenÕs Healthy Living Program (CHL) for Remote Underserved Minority Populations in the Pacific RegionManuscriptCompleteYes
What Kind of Activities Do Children in the Pacific Engage In?ManuscriptIn ProgressNo
Associations Between Diet and Physical Activity Among Children in the Western Pacific RegionManuscriptIn ProgressNo
Creating the Healthy Eating Index 2005 for CHL Data FilesAnalysisCompleteNo
Variability in Diet Among Children 2 Ð 8 Years Old in the Pacific RegionIn ProgressNo
Association in diet quality between CHL and EFNEP adults.Abstract, ManuscriptIn ProgressNo
Systems Thinking, Multilevel Approach to Cardiovascular Health in Native HawaiiansManuscriptIn ProgressNo
Multilevel Determinants of Blood Pressure Ð Recruitment ListPreliminary AnalysisIn ProgressNo
Systems Science Informed Multilevel Theoretical Model of Cardiovascular Health in Native HawaiiansIn ProgressNo
Exploring the Relationships Between Parent/Caregiver and Child Body Mass Index Among Native HawaiiansIn ProgressNo
Validation of the Actical Accelerometer in Multiethnic Preschoolers: The ChildrenÕs Healthy Living (CHL) ProgramManuscriptCompleteYes
Lifestyle behavior profiles and associations with body sizeManuscriptIn ProgressNo
Factors Associated With the Occurance and Remission of Acanthosis Nigricans in Pacific ChildrenManuscriptCompleteYes
Fast Food Environment, Diet, and Obesity Outcomes Among Children in the US Affiliated PacificDissertationIn ProgressNo
Fatty Acid intake in US Affiliated jurisdictions of the Children's Healthy LivingManuscriptIn ProgressNo
Evaluating Implementation Process and Progress on a Multi-Component Childhood Obesity Intervention (CHL)No
Dietary patterns among East Asian children living in the U.S. Affiliated Pacific Region
Which Types of Physical Activity Are Related to Healthier BMI Among Children in PacificNo
Dietary Patterns and the Association With Obesity and Socio-Demographic Factors Among American Samoa and Guam Children/Adherence to the 2015 Dietary Guidelines for Americans (DGA) and Risk of Obesity and Acanthosis Nigricans Among American Samoa and Guam ChildrenNo
Dietary Patterns and the Association With Obesity and Socio-Demographic Factors in Children Across the Pacific Region: A Cross-Sectional StudyNo
Data Analysis on Sleep and Sedentary Lifestyles. (Revised Title Project) Analysis of Obesity Indicators (Sedentary Behaviors, Sleep, and Acculturation) of Children in the ChildrenÕs Health Living (CHL) Program in PohnpeiUndergraduate TopicCompleteNo
Effects of Measuring ChildrenÕs Physical Activity Guidelines With Smaller Epochs of TimeNo
ChildrenÕs Healthy Living Program for Remote Underserved Minority Populations of the Pacific Region: Brief IntroductionPresentionYes
Community Social Network Pattern Analysis: Development of a Novel Methodology Using a Complex, Multi-Level Health InterventionManuscriptCompleteYes
Does Community Readiness Mediate the Dose of Multilevel, Multisite Intervention Activities in the ChildrenÕs Healthy Living (CHL) Program?ManuscriptCompleteYes
Measuring Dose and Ordering of Collective Efficacy Building Blocks Using the Multilevel Multisite ChildrenÕs Healthy Living Program InterventionManuscriptCompleteYes
How Can Collective Efficacy Interventions Be Adapted? A Case Study of the ChildrenÕs Healthy Living Program (Abstract)AbstractCompleteYes
Influence of Social Ecologic Level of Intervention Activity on Behavioral and Biologic Outcomes in the ChildrenÕs Healthy Living (CHL) Trial in the PacificManuscriptIn ProgressNo
Local Food Strategies to Enhance Collective Efficacy and Community Health & WellbeingManuscriptIn ProgressNo
Mapping Networks to Implement Collective Efficacy Building Blocks Using a Multilevel, Multisite Intervention: The Children's Healthy Living ProgramManuscriptIn ProgressNo
CHL Food Cost Survey Locally Produced FoodsManuscriptIn ProgressNo
Sustaining a Multi-level, Multi-Site Intervention: A Case-Study from the ChildrenÕs Healthy Living ProgramAbstract In ProgressNo
The Affordability of a Thrifty Food Plan-Based Market Basket in the United States-Affiliated Pacific RegionManuscriptCompleteYes
Relating Crop Diversity, Abundance, Productivity, and Utilization of Traditional Agroforest Systems to Child Health in PohnpeiManuscriptIn ProgressNo
Assessing Fruit and Vegetable Consumption Among Childhood Obesity in HawaiiInternship ProjectCompleteNo
Medical Conditions of Young Children Participating in the ChildrenÕs Healthy Living ProgramNo
Feasibility of Using Accelerometers With Preschool ChildrenNo
Improving Indigenous Public Health through Community-Engaged Interventions: Stories of Success
Re-evaluation of the Thrifty Food Plan (TFP) in Alaska and Hawaii
Collecting Wrappers, Labels, and Packages to Enhance Dietary Information From Food Records Among Children 2Ð8 Years Participating in the ChildrenÕs Healthy Living Program (CHL) for Remote Underserved Minority Populations in the Pacific RegionManuscriptCompleteYes
Application of the NOVA classification system to ChildrenÕs Healthy Living (CHL)ManuscriptIn ProgressNo
Para I FamaguÕon-Ta: Fruit and Vegetable Intake, Food Store Environment, and Childhood Overweight/Obesity in the ChildrenÕs Healthy Living Program on GuamManuscriptCompleteYes
Dietary Selenium Intake, Obesity and Acanthosis Nigricans Among Young Children From the US Affiliated Pacific RegionManuscriptIn ProgressNo
The Benefits of Integrating Place-Based Learning in an Online Introductory Nutrition Class for the Pacific: An Outcome of The Children's Healthy Living Training ProgramManuscriptCompleteYes
Unanticipated Capacity Building in the ChildrenÕs Healthy Multi-Level and Multi-Site Integrated Coordinated Agricultural Program in the Pacific (Abstract)AbstractCompleteYes
Assessing Enculturation of Remote, Underserved Parents and Caregivers From the US Affiliated Pacific Islands, Hawaii and Alaska: The ChildrenÕs Healthy Living ProgramManuscriptCompleteYes
The ChildrenÕs Healthy Living Summer Institute: An Opportunity for Sustained Pacific Workforce Capacity Development (Abstract)AbstractCompleteYes
Community Readiness for a Child Obesity Prevention Intervention in the US Affiliated PacificIn ProgressNo
Timing of complementary food introduction and obesity risk in young children in the Children's Healthy Living Training ProgramIn ProgressNo
Preliminary Analysis Ð Exploring Possibility of Assessing Diets of East Asian CHL ParticipantsIn ProgressNo
Examining Risk Factors for Obesity and Chronic Disease to Inform Hawaii State Department of Health Initiatives for Young Children.Presentation, Report?CompleteYes
The Relationship Between Diet Quality and Food Insecurity Among Children of the US Affiliated Pacific RegionManuscriptCompleteYes
Prevalence of Food Insecurity Among Children of the US Affiliated Pacific RegionPreliminary Analysis?CompleteNo
Precision Evidence for Childhood Obesity Prevention Interventions (PRECIS)ManuscriptIn ProgressNo
Comparing Sedentary and Dietary Behaviors of Preschool Aged Children by Childcare Setting in the U.S. Affiliated PacificManuscriptCompleteYes
Waist Measurements and Weight Classification in Young Children: A study of the Children's Healthy Living Program (CHL)PendingNo
Effect of Head Start Preschool Participation on Dietary Intake, Physical Activity Levels and BMI Status: Supporting Role of Food Program and Policy in Hawaii, Alaska and US Territories in the PacificManuscriptPendingYes
Comparing Growth Assessments and Predictive Validity of Central Adiposity of CDC 2000 and WHO 2007 Reference Data in Native Hawaiian Pacific Islander Children: Baseline Data From the ChildrenÕs Healthy Living Program (CHL)PendingNo
Hawaii Child Food Frequency Questionnaire Development (HICFFQ)Manuscript, AbstractIn ProgressNo
Nutrition Status of Filipino Children Across USAP (working title)ManuscriptIn ProgressNo
Disparity in Nutrition Monitoring in the US Affiliated Pacific: A Call From the Children's Healthy Living Program to Develop a Nutrition Monitoring System for the Prevention of Obesity and Non-Communicable DiseasesIn ProgressNo
Distribution of Food Environment Resources by Community CharacteristicsIn ProgressNo
Relationship Between Sugar-Sweetened Beverages, Sugary Beverages, and Weight Status in CNMI ChildrenIn ProgressNo
Using Data on Sugar-Sweetened Beverage (SSB) Consumption Among Young Child Nutrition Assistance Program [Food Stamp] Recipients in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI) to Inform Policy & Project DevelopmentIn ProgressNo
Dietary Intake of Young Children in American SamoaPreliminary Analysis?CompleteNo
An assessment of dietary intake among young American Samoan childrenDissertationIn ProgressNo
Development and Evaluation of a Group Model Building Facilitation Protocol for Community Food SystemsManuscriptIn ProgressNo
Prevalence and Predictors of Overweight and Obesity among Young Children in the ChildrenÕs Healthy Living Study on GuamManuscriptCompleteYes
Year 5 of the ChildrenÕs Healthy Living Program for Remote Underserved Minority Populations of the Pacific Region (CHL) (Abstract)ManuscriptCompleteNo
CHL Multilevel Multicomponent Intervention for Child Health in Native Communities in the US Affiliated PacificManuscriptCompleteYes
Geography of Young Child BMI Status Across the US Affiliated Pacific Region: The ChildrenÕs Healthy Living ProgramIn ProgressNo
The Role of the Food and Physical Activity Environment on the Impact of the ChildrenÕs Healthy Living (CHL) Trial in the US Affiliated Pacific RegionManuscriptIn ProgressNo
The Pacific Tracker (PacTrac) Version 3.1 Diet and Physical Activity Assessment Tool for the PacificManuscriptCompleteYes
Nutrient intakes and their relationship to measures of obesity and early diabetes among young children in the Children's Healthy Living Program in the US affiliated Pacific RegionManuscriptIn ProgressNo
Maintenance Outcomes of the ChildrenÕs Healthy Living Program on Overweight, Obesity, and Acanthosis Nigricans Among Young Children in the US-Affiliated Pacific RegionManuscriptCompleteYes
Food group, macronutrient intake and metabolic status in the US-Affiliated Pacific's Children's Healthy Living (CHL) ProgramManuscriptCompleteYes
Putting People Back Into Community Food Systems: Community Based System Dynamics Across Five Pacific JurisdictionsAbstractCompleteYes
Childhood Obesity and School-Neighborhood Food Store Access in GuamIn ProgressNo
Accelerometers in the Freely Associated States: Objective Measures of Physical Activity in Micronesia; the ChildrenÕs Healthy Living ProgramManuscriptCompleteYes
ÒPour Some Sugar on MeÓ Investigating Beverage Consumption and Its Association With Weight Status and Other Behaviors in Micronesian Children: The ChildrenÕs Healthy Living (CHL) ProgramCompleteYes
Exploratory Study to Assess the Food and Physical Activity Environments in Communities in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI)DissertationIn ProgressNo
Predictors of Childhood Overweight and Obesity in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana IslandsDissertationIn ProgressNo
Special Data Request for Situational Data Analysis and Intervention Development in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI)DissertationIn ProgressNo
Exploring Foods of the Pacific: Frequency of Consumption of Traditional, Acculturated Fruits and Vegetables Among Children in the PacificManuscriptCompleteYes
Understanding parent/caregiver health literacy in the U.S. Pacific states and territoriesManuscript CompleteYes
GMB Workshop Introduction PresentationsPresentationCompleteNo
How does Hawai'i (HI) stack up: Comparing nutrient intakes in 2-8 year old participants in the Children's Healthy Living (CHL) program in HI to National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES)PresentationCompleteNo
Hawaii Food Access AssessmentExpiredNo
Strategies to Prevent Obesity, Diabetes, and Heart Disease and Stroke Among Adults in HawaiiÕs Four Main CountiesExpiredNo
Assessing inadequate nutrient intake among children aged 2 to 8 in Alaska: Children’s Healthy Living Cohort.Abstract, ManuscriptIn ProgressNo
Prevalence and Correlates of Movement Behaviours in Children in the North Pacific RegionManuscriptCompleteYes
Utilizing CHL Diet Data to Help Create an FFQ Tool for Children on GuamDissertation CompleteYes
Dietary Intake of Young Children on Guam: The ChildrenÕs Healthy Living Program (CHL)DissertationCompleteYes
Diet and Physical Activity Patterns of Children in Guam: The ChildrenÕs Healthy Living (CHL) ProgramDissertationCompleteYes
Household Air Pollution's association with diabetes and weight disorders in the Freely Associated StatesAbstract, ManuscriptIn ProgressNo
Addressing childhood obesity through novel assessments, enhancement of summer enrichment programs, and surveillance in GuamDissertationCompleteYes
Examining breastfeeding duration on childhood dietary behaviors among young children in GuamManuscriptIn ProgressNo
Child Acculturation Drives Dietary Differences in GuamManuscriptIn ProgressNo
Caregiver Substance Use and the Health and Wellbeing of their children in the Freely Associated StatesManuscriptIn ProgressNo
Exploring the Relationships Between Parent/Caregiver and Child Body Mass Index Among Native HawaiiansThesisCompleteYes
HEI-2015 and DASH Descriptive Analysis & ValidationManuscriptIn ProgressNo
Association of Diet Quality Index (HEI-2015, DASH) and CHL Outcomes ManuscriptIn ProgressNo