We would like to announce that the Children’s Health Living Dietetics Scholarship Program has concluded and ran from July 2019 to May 2023. Mahalo nui loa to our cohort of scholars over the course of Childrenʻs Healthy Living Dietetics Scholarship Program. Hoʻomaikaʻi to our scholars, Lianne and Jade, on graduating with their B.S in Dietetics during Fall 2022.

The Children’s Healthy Living Dietetics Scholarship Program (CHLD) provides funding for Native Hawaiian students passionate in nutrition and health to complete a Bachelors of Science Dietetics degree at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa. CHLD focuses on student learning, social support structure, academic preparation, service learning, cultural immersion, research, leadership development and professional mentoring. All CHLD scholars meeting entry requirements are guaranteed admittance in the UHM community-based Individualized Supervised Practice Pathway (ISPP), the only accredited Supervised Practice in Hawai‘i, after graduating with their BS.
The Objectives of the Children’s Healthy Living Dietetics Scholarship Program (CHLD) are to:
- To matriculate, support, and mentor 5 Native Hawaiian scholars through a BS in Dietetics degree through an integrated, culturally relevant dietetics training.
- Implement a mentored summer experiential learning opportunity in child obesity prevention.
- Develop the leadership capacities (e.g., self-efficacy, problem-solving, and critical thinking skills) of 5 Native Hawaiian scholars through participation in research, service learning, and professional meetings.
- Enhance the pipeline of qualified Native Hawaiian students into internships, graduate programs, or employment in a dietetics related area by Spring 2023.
CHLD Scholars who meet outlined expectations will be awarded with the following for their participation:
* Beginning in 2024, the entry-level registration eligibility education requirements for dietitians will change from a baccalaureate degree to a minimum of a graduate degree. A graduate degree includes a master’s degree, practice doctorate, or doctoral degree (e.g., Ph.D., Ed.Dor, D.Sc.) All other entry-level dietitian registration eligibility requirements remain the same. CHLD will do its best to advise students in this process.