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CHLN Publications

NoDateAuthorJournalTitleDOIAPA Citation
82022Held, SuzanneUniversity Press of KentuckyUsing Community-based Participatory Research to Address Indigenous Health-Held, S., McCormick, A. K. H. G., Simonds, V., Braun, K. L., Burhansstipanov, L., Haozous, E., Rangel, V., Chung-Do, J. J., Ho-Lastimosa, I., Novotny, R., & Fialkowski, M. K. (2022). Using community-based participatory research to address indigenous health. In Improving Indigenous Public Health through Community-Engaged Interventions: Stories of Success. University Press of Kentucky.
72022Faculty and studentsPressbooks OER HawaiiHuman Nutrition (Version 2e)-Faculty and students from the Department of Human Nutrition, Food and Animal Sciences. (2022). Human Nutrition (Version 2e). Available at:
622-AugFialkowski, M. K.Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and DieteticsAn Exploratory Mixed Method Cross-sectional Study to Identify Opportunities to Increase Enrollment and Retention of Native Hawaiian Students in an Undergraduate Dietetic Program10.1016/j.jand.2022.08.127Fialkowski, M. K., Sandlin, M. R., Kai, J., Ng-Osorio, J., Custodio, R. C., Odom, S. K., Boyd, J. K., Medina, C., Takahashi, D., & Esquivel, M. K. (2022). An exploratory mixed method cross-sectional study to identify opportunities to increase enrollment and retention of Native Hawaiian students in an undergraduate dietetic program. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. Advance online publication.
522-AugMulville, K.NutrientsA Qualitative Analysis of a Caregivers' Experience of Complementary Feeding in a Population of Native Hawaiian, Other Pacific Islander and Filipino Infants: The Timing of the Introduction of Complementary Foods, and the Role of Transgenerational Experience10.3390/nu14163268Mulville, K., Kai, J., Kearney, J. M., Ng-Osorio, J., Boushey, C. J., & Fialkowski, M. K. (2022). A qualitative analysis of a caregivers' experience of complementary feeding in a population of Native Hawaiian, Other Pacific Islander and Filipino infants: The timing of the introduction of complementary foods, and the role of transgenerational experience. Nutrients, 14(16), 3268.
422-AprJoo, K. A.Hawaii Journal of Health and Social WelfareHawai'i Registered Dietitian Nutritionist 2019-2020 Workforce Assessment-Joo, K. A., Fialkowski, M. K., Esquivel, M., & Haumea, S. L. (2022). Hawai'i registered dietitian nutritionist 2019-2020 workforce assessment. Hawaii Journal of Health and Social Welfare, 81(4 Suppl 2), 31-38. PMID: 35495070; PMCID: PMC9036456.
322-JanKai, J.Children (Basel)Associations between Cultural Identity, Household Membership and Diet Quality among Native Hawaiian, Pacific Islander, and Filipino Infants in Hawai'i10.3390/children9010048Kai, J., Chen, J. J., Braun, K. L., Kaholokula, J. K., Novotny, R., Boushey, C. J., & Fialkowski, M. K. (2022). Associations between cultural identity, household membership and diet quality among Native Hawaiian, Pacific Islander, and Filipino infants in Hawai'i. Children (Basel), 9(1), 48.
221-JulNovotny, R.Social WelfareUniversity of Hawai‘i Cancer Center Connection-Novotny, R., Earle, M. E., Bs, Y. O. J., As, G. J. J., MEd, E. H., Guerrero, R. T. L., Bs, P. C., Deenik, J., Boushey, C., & Wilkens, L. R. (2021). University of Hawai‘i Cancer Center connection. Social Welfare, 80(7), 4.
116-OctMikkelsen, B. E.International Journal of Environmental Research and Public HealthMulti-Level, Multi-Component Approaches to Community Based Interventions for Healthy Living—A Three Case Comparison10.3390/ijerph13101023Mikkelsen, B. E., Novotny, R., & Gittelsohn, J. (2016). Multi-level, multi-component approaches to community based interventions for healthy living—A three case comparison. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 13, 1023.